
Jyväskylä Kuokkala bridge
Jyväskylä Kuokkala bridge © Walmari/Kalevi Korhonen

With a current population of 140,000 people, the appealing city of Jyväskylä is growing rapidly. The high-quality residential areas, availability of services and diverse nature make Jyväskylä a comfortable home for people of all ages. The popular student city is an inspiring breeding ground for bold ideas. The competent workforce and innovative companies are some of the prides of our resource-conscious city.

What has already been done in Jyväskylä to promote the circular economy?

A biogas ecosystem has been formed in the Jyväskylä region. After the opening of the Mustankorkea biogas plant, the city has collaborated with regional operators to increase the number of biogas distribution stations and promote the use of biogas for transportation in the Jyväskylä region. Other parties involved in this action-oriented ecosystem include such biogas producers as Gasum Oy and Metener Oy.

Jyväskylän Energia and the chemistry experts of the local university have created a technology that can separate precious metals and rare-earth metals from electronic scrap. The technology has amazing potential for global markets.

We are currently testing local residents’ ideas that enable day-to-day living in a way that promotes circular economy in practice. The widespread Hukkalounas (Wasted Lunch) pilot is an excellent example.

Goals as a pioneering municipality

We are making determined and systematic efforts to strive towards resource wisdom. In other words, we want to eliminate waste generation and become fully carbon neutral. We promote the opportunities of local residents and business to implement the circular economy in their day-to-day activities. We engage in innovative cooperation both locally and nationally. We learn and identify the best ideas for global challenges together.

More information

Published 2019-07-12 at 13:00, updated 2020-09-25 at 15:30