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Central Finland’s Nova hospital to pioneer in resource-efficiency

In 2020, the new Nova hospital will be completed in Kukkumäki, Jyväskylä. The hospital will minimise the amount of waste through modern waste management systems and rational use of resources.

Plastic Pat Wanted – recycling plastics in Lappeenranta

The Lappeenranta Region’s Environmental Office, with its partners, wanted to increase the awareness of the circular economy and the negative impacts of littering, and to prevent the access of micropla...

Surplus food supermarket WeFood granted the CIRCWASTE award for promoting circular economy

The WeFood surplus food supermarket has been granted the first ever CIRCWASTE award for promoting circular economy. WeFood, the first surplus food supermarket in Finland, opened at the REDI shopping c...

Textile recycling plays a significant role in the mitigation of climate change

A textile-themed webinar organised by the Circwaste project discussed the current state and future views of textile recycling in Finland. The theme is quite topical, because the change in the EU’s Was...

New products from the side streams of Finnish wood production

A partner of the Circwaste project, the Pielinen Karelia Development Center PIKES seeks, models, and tests sustainable utilisation methods of by-products and waste, as well as the related new business...

The Circular Classroom raises a generation of circular economy natives

The Circular Classroom programme encourages teachers and students to participate in circular economy and plan a positive change. The programme allows everyone to get to know change-makers around them ...

Porvoo, Vantaa and Riihimäki publish roadmaps for promoting the circular economy

Porvoo, Vantaa and Riihimäki, three of the pioneering cities of the CIRCWASTE – Towards Circular Economy in Finland project, have published their own circular economy roadmaps, which will steer the ci...

Plastic recycling hindered by lack of collection points

Finns are concerned about the problems caused by plastic waste and consider the recycling of plastic to be important. However, recycling is also considered difficult, as plastic collection points are ...

Negative impacts of plastic under the microscope, from ghost nets to microplastics

Plastic is currently one of the hottest topics of discussion all around the world. In Finland, this discussion has lead to the preparation of a national Plastics Roadmap, which proposes measures towar...

Resource wisdom market places

A farmer is able to find a spare part for their tractor, a school laboratory is fitted with inexpensive equipment and an earthwork entrepreneur finds the rock material they need close by. Online servi...

Resource-smart schools being built in Kuopio

Kuopio intends its new constructions to be as sustainable and climate-friendly as possible. The facilities at the Kuikkalampi daycare centre and the community service centre of Kuopio’s western rural...

Recycling magnets is worthwhile

A pilot carried out in the Circwaste project yielded promising results on the manufacturing of recycled magnets. The recycling of magnets has great potential to grow into a profitable business for rec...

Biogas-powered shared cars adopted in Kangas, Jyväskylä

Since the beginning of this year, biogas-powered shared cars have been available for trial use in Kangas, Jyväskylä. Over the course of the spring, ‘car mentors’ will also be teaching other interested...

A mobile application encouraged students to recycle in Kuopio

Ketun kierrätys (‘The Fox’s recycling’) mobile game inspired students to sort waste and recycle. In particular, the game boosted the recycling of biowaste and plastic during the pilot implemented in K...

Increasing sustainability in the planning of the network of kitchens and food services in Turku

The Strategic Procurement unit of the City of Turku will be determining the factors affecting the carbon footprint of the City’s network of kitchens and the food services purchased by the City from th...

Circular economy competition recognises Circwaste municipalities

The Circwaste forerunner municipalities Kuopio, Porvoo and Circwaste partner municipality Pori were recognised in a competition organised by Sitra and the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Aut...

Jyväskylä seminar brings together regional circular economy experts

Smart waste bins, turning sludge components into mobile phones, a waste-stingy hospital, using scavengers to recover gold – on 7 February an audience of nearly 100 took part in the Central Finland tow...

Länsi-Pori School studies food waste

The red and white screen beside the school’s biowaste container first shows 50 grams, and then changes to 2.1 kilograms. A student at Länsi-Pori School has just found out how much food he/she threw aw...

Lappeenranta is developing forest and mining industry side streams into a replacement for concrete

The Circwaste forerunner municipality of Lappeenranta, Lappeenranta University of Technology and their partners have received major funding from the EU to develop a building material to replace concre...

Material flows, competence and ideas come together in Turku’s Topinpuisto

Waste management for households and companies in Southwest Finland is already well organised, but the goals for the future are still high. The companies in Turku’s Topinpuisto circular economy network...


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